So for those of you who didn't already know, I had a scheduled c-section. Gasp! The horror! Why ever would you do that? Well because when myself, Michael and Dr. Bell put everything out on the table and had a discussion about it, a c-section was the best option for a good outcome. You see, because of all of my complications (see the several previous posts) it was recommended by my MFM doctor and Dr. Bell that I deliver at 39 weeks. Still term, but not taking chances for something else to crop up late in my pregnancy. Now most of you are probably thinking "Ok, still no need for a c-section, just induce, right?" Well, as luck would have it, at my 39 week appointment I had not dilated at nothing and my cervix was still very high and very, very thick, like still measurable on ultrasound 3 days prior. Now I could have chosen to induce and give it a go, but because my body was not anywhere near ready to push little E out itself, I would have most likely ended up with an emergency c-section. Dr. Bell felt like that would be a lot of stress on a baby that had already endured a lot of stress in utero, hence the decision to go ahead with the c-section.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't want a c-section. I was fully prepared to have this baby the good old fashioned way, I was even going to give the un-medicated route a try, but it wasn't in the cards for me. At first I had a lot of mixed emotions about it. I was obviously scared at the thought of major surgery(and the spinal...blek), I felt robbed of the opportunity to let my body try and do what it was made for, I also felt like I was less of a woman so to speak because I did not feel a single contraction, like I have no idea what labor feels like, I have a baby and I have no idea what labor feels all messes with your head at first. Now I mainly just feel grateful that I was able to bring a child into the world no matter how it happened. And trust me...a c-section is no walk in the park, ok...that ish hurts!
Anyway back to the birth. We were scheduled for surgery at 9:00 A.M. on Friday March 28th. We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 in the a.m. to check-in and and start the process of all the pre-op stuff you have to do(I really don't remember much between the time we got there and the time we headed to the OR). A little after 9 my nurse(who was awesome that first day) came in to wheel me to the OR. I was all kinds of nervous, but true to form I concealed it well and smiled and laughed with the nurses and anesthesiologist while he prepared to give me the spinal block. I was having an internal panic attack and had all kinds of thoughts going through my head during the spinal, but mainly I was just really scared he would botch the thing and I would be paralyzed. Once he injected his "medicine" my legs were immediately numb and heavy. It was insane how fast it worked. The nurses had to help lift my lower extremities back onto the table because my leggies no worky at that point and I was freaking out! After that Dr. Bell came in, the sheet went up and they went to work. I would say it was about 15 min after they had started the surgery, that they started to press on my upper abdomen and I felt like I was suffocating, I could not breath. Moments later I heard the most beautiful sound to ever grace my ears, screaming, crying. Emerson Michael Bradley had finally, after so much praying and hoping by so many, arrived at 9:38 in the morning. I was bawling and Dr. Bell was looking over the sheet telling us congratulations. Then Michael started to try and peek at him while they were cleaning him up to see if he had red hair...he didn't and still doesn't. They brought him over shortly after we heard his screams and I got to kiss his sweet face and lay eyes on him for the first time, he was gorgeous (still is). Then they whisked Michael and Emerson away to the nursery and I was all alone while they put me back together...this was the worst part of the entire process. Alone during the longest part of the procedure and away from your newly born child. It was torture basically. BUT, he was here and I was thankful.
After all was finished up in the OR I got wheeled to recovery, where I stayed for almost an hour. Michael came back and showed me tons of pictures and his footprints, which was nice, but I really wanted to hold my baby. As soon as I was cleared for take off from recovery they wheeled me to my room and not 3 min later they brought Emerson in so I could hold him but also so he could try and nurse. He latched on the very first time like a pro, and really has been a great eater ever since.
Those three days in the hospital seemed magical really. Emerson was here, he was ours, he was perfect. We were surrounded by people who loved us and had prayed for us and Emerson diligently for months. We never would have guessed that just 24 hours after we left the hospital we would be right back in it...but since this post is forever long already I will save all of my other health issues for another post...
until then enjoy some hospital pics of E cause really he is the prettiest, most handsome of them all...but I may be a little biased.
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