Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bumpdate: 25wks

So I have been intentionally waiting to give a quick update about all that is going on, thinking I'll wait until after my next appointment but truth be told I seem to always have another appointment coming up and if I keep waiting and waiting and waiting this kid will be here!

Basically I still have problems. As my husband would say "I've got 99 problems and a hematoma is just one!" But really the hematoma is the one that is causing the most concern at the moment. We went in several weeks ago for our anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Emerson looked amazing! Everything as it should be and he was even measuring a bit ahead, so we were super happy and thankful for a healthy baby! However, my hematoma that started out measuring around 1cm at 8 weeks had really done some growing as well. It measured 9cm x 5.2cm x 2.5cm. It was a doozy of a bleed. I hadn't had any active bleeding since around 13 weeks though, and my slight brown spotting g had even subsided. Even though I hadn't had any active bleeding and the hematoma looked less "liquidy" on ultrasound the Dr. still made the choice to stop my blood thinner and put me on bed rest....this decision was made the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Bed rest also meant no work...which I hated but I knew that we had gotten to the halfway mark and that I needed to do whatever I could do so that we could bring Emerson home at the end of this I got really cozy on my couch and settled I to being lazy and somewhat helpless.

I was referred to a maternal fetal medicine doctor as well mainly just so we could get his opinion on the situation since he is the high risk specialist dude. We went to Fayetteville to see him the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. He did another looonnngg scan and checked everything with Emerson, who thankfully still looked perfect! Unfortunately the pesky hematoma is still there BUT it is significantly smaller measuring 6cm x 3cm x 1cm at 23 weeks. Yay and boo at the same time....I really just wanted it gone but that would be unrealistic given it's size and time between scans. But hey you can't fault a girl for hoping. Basically the mfm doc confirmed that the course of treatment given

by Dr. Bell was what we should stick with. So I am continuing on with my folate and baby aspirin and prenatal and yes two more weeks of bed rest...He told us that ladies with these hematoma's find themselves at an increased risk for pre-eclampsia and pre term labor so Dr. Bell is going to be seeing me every two weeks rather than four to keep an eye on me. I go back to the mfm doc in January.

So basically I have become an expert at being really lazy and not working....but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel or couch rather....technically bed rest will be over Friday but I will probably take it easy over the two week break from school to be safe. I will start back to work in January! Yay! Hopefully this hematoma is on the way out and we can enjoy these last few months of pregnancy free of event!

I will say I am thankful that I have gotten to spend the last several weeks sitting and really enjoying my baby boy growing and moving like crazy! It is the strangest yet most amazing feeling. And with

each week that passes I breathe a little easier knowing Emerson's chances of making it here healthy
go up! Love that little boy!
   Here are some pics of our sweet, sweet Emerson from a couple of weeks ago he was weighing in at 1 lb 3oz at just at 23 weeks so I am thinking he is getting close to 2 lbs by now....
He tends to like to put his feeties over his head!

He is just the cutest little boy in utero ever...he gets it from his momma

I'm pretty sure his dad liked this one. Number 1 already.

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