So, I am writing this new post from the comfort of my bed...where I am currently spending the remainder of this pregnancy. Yes, you guessed it...I am on bed rest...again. So, here is the low down on the bed rest this time. It all goes back to Tuesday. I hadn't been feeling E move as much as my doctor had said I should be, so per his orders I called him and they said to come in. So we went through the standard appointment procedure, weight, pee in cup, and for me get hooked up to the monitor for a NST (non stress test). Basically this is like the heart rate monitor that they hook you up to in labor and delivery but with a little button for me to hit when I feel baby move. Normally a baby's heart rate will vary greatly over the course of the test accelerating and decelerating, going up and down. The print out should look like a heart rate roller coaster with peeks and valleys kind of. Well E still wasn't moving and his heart rate was holding steady in the 120s so they had to buzz my belly to try and get a reaction from him. It helped his heart rate, but he still wasn't moving, so they buzzed again and still little movement, but since is heart rate was responsive to the sound they decided he was just having a lazy day. They sent me on my way because I had an appointment scheduled for Thursday.
Fast forward 2 up for my appointment go through the standard procedures weight, pee in cup, blood pressure, monitor...well firstly I had gained 4 lbs in 2 that is not normal for anyone, and my blood pressure was high....uh oh...this is what we had been watching for the entire 3rd trimester,but so far had had no signs creep up on us until now. what they think it could we receive instructions on how to do the 24 hr urine collection to check for protein and yes, you guessed it, put on strict bed rest for the duration. Because I have not dilated at all....bummer...and my cervix is still thick...double bummer...Dr. Bell said I was a poor candidate for induction on Thursday because we were all like can we just get him out already...and he wasn't willing to do a c section before 39 weeks until he knew the severity of what we are dealing with...darn having a doctor who likes babies to cook the full time...I'm kidding. So bed rest it is.
We go back on Monday for another biophysical profile ultrasound...which I am assuming is more to see if he is ready to come out than stay in...if it turns out that I have toxemia and E looks good and cooked, I am assuming that we will be scheduled either for induction or c section for will depend on my body and how and if it starts to look like it is ready to do this labor thing. Truth be told I am terrified of a c section, but if it is what we have to do to get E here safely then I guess that is what we will do.
So barring him just deciding to get his act together and come on his own between now and looks like Tuesday is the earliest we could have a baby....I will be 39 weeks Tuesday I should also add. Anyway right now it is just a waiting game...a very trying and difficult waiting game...but hopefully E will be here safe and healthy next week.