Sorry I have such a hard time staying super current blogger world...I mean I can't even manage the "weekly" update thing. That is why I really enjoy that Facebook app that just updates every week with what is suppose to be going on during that week in the life a pregnant lady, and I can just be all like "yeah, what that thing said...kind of" But seriously I feel like I just can't keep my head on straight...there is SO MUCH TO DO!! But most days and afternoons and evenings all I really want to do is sleep...but even that has gotten to be a little difficult to do too....I mean between working for the next 3 1/2 weeks, planning for a long term sub, getting myself somewhat in a happy place with my national board entries, organizing then reorganizing and then reorganizing everything in Emerson's room, closet, dresser....and feeling the urge to just burn my house down and start over with something new and already clean and organized to perfection, I can't keep my whits about me. Most days I give up and sit on the couch eating chips ahoy cookies...with milk.
Basically life is really crazy right now, and yes I know "look out for what's coming!" I know it only gets crazier and more hectic and sleep more elusive than now. But come on ya"ll join me in my pity party for how out of control I feel right now, and probably for the next forever...
Well now that I have gotten all of that off of my chest, I think it is only right to share news of what is currently going on with the large cantaloupe occupying my body right now. We went 2 weeks ago to Fayetteville to see our MFM doc. We had another lllooonnnggg scan where we look at all things/parts Emerson and they conducted a biophysical profile on him. Basically this is a test they give to babies in utero to asses their health. Dr. Bell likened it to the APGAR screenings they give newborns, but this is for unborns...hehe. It is usually given around 32-34 weeks and it looks at things like the fluid levels, how well they are breathing, their muscle tone and movement, and so on. Emerson apparently did very well. Out of a possible score of 8, Emerson scored an go Emerson! This was lovely information, but we already knew that their weren't really any problems with him, he has always been very healthy. The problems have been with me and his temporary 9 month home. He is also growing quite nicely. At 33 weeks 2 days he was "guestimated" to weigh 4lbs 8oz. Which they said was right on track and very average. All good news to us. We were released from the MFM doc to Dr. Bell! Woot! We do have to go in for another growth scan in a week to make sure he is still growing and doing well, but we get to do that in Dr. Bell's office.
In other news Emerson had also made the journey to being in the head down position. Which means my fears of having to have a scheduled c-section have temporarily been relieved! I will be having a big delivery discussion tomorrow with Dr. Bell at my me we have lots to discuss...including being put back on my blood thinner, Lovenox, after delivery...yuck!
All in all it has been a pretty good final trimester for us, which we are so thankful for because the first two were not so enjoyable. We have around 4-5 weeks left(maybe fewer but we hope not) and it really seems crazy to think that in the next month we will most likely get to meet our little boy. We have waited for this day for over 2 years, and as much as I don't want to wish this last bit of pregnancy away(maybe I do a little) I am so ready to meet him!
Our journey though the ups and downs of miscarriage, loss, and trying to conceive
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
What's Happening with Baby E?
So I know it has been a few weeks since I have really updated you all on the goings on inside of my hostile uterus...I feel like Meredith on Grey's when she is talking about how her uterus is all an angry and hostile place to be...that's me! I mean if we are thinking the actual process of birth will be traumatizing to E, think again. He has lived in perpetual state of hostility for the past 8 months! Anyway, I figure since I have some extra time on my hands, what with this ice day and all, it would be nice to update all of my friends, family, and prayer warriors on how things are looking for us now at 32 weeks.
Three weeks ago we visited the MFM doc in Fayetteville for our second appointment. We had a big long ultrasound, as per usual, and to our shock the super large hematoma, you know the one that had me on bed rest for 7 weeks, well it was completely GONE! I know right...gone as if all 9.5 cm of it had never been there all ugly and scary in the first place. This, of course, was like the best news we could have hoped for. It made all the time sitting on my hind end away from my students, coworkers, and the rest of the world seem worth it. I mean that was the point of what felt like the never ending bed rest, to rid myself of this horrible bleed/clot whatever you want to call it, and it worked! Now, the hematoma is/was only one of the issues that we are "monitoring"(I like how doctors use that term: "We are just going to continue to monitor it closely") but it feels like a victory non the less.
At this same appointment we got an approximate weight measurement for E. He was in the 45th percentile at 29 weeks weighing in right under 3lbs at 2lbs 14 oz. The doctor was very pleased with this information because one of our concerns is IUGR (inter-uterine growth restriction) which basically means he isn't getting what he needs whether it be nutrients, blood flow, space, etc that he needs to grow inside. In some cases they actually take the baby early because they would stand a better chance at growth outside the womb. This, thankfully, as of now is not a problem for us. We go next week for another scan and the MFM doc said if all looks good and he his still growing appropriately then he will release me to my regular OB for the duration and in his words "it should be smooth sailing." Should be...we hope.
I have been to see Dr. Bell a couple of time since this last MFM appointment and they have been your basic run of the mill OB appointments. We are really just keeping an eye out for symptoms of preeclampsia, since I am at increased risk for developing that because of the hematoma. So far no blood pressure issues or protein in my urine, which are two big signs of pre-e, so this is good. I see Dr. Bell next week again as well.
For now we are just taking it a day at a time and "monitoring" the situation the best that we can. We are so close to D-day I think all of us are starting to breathe a little easier, however, I will not be relaxed about any of this until I am holding him.
Every week that passes we are closer and closer to meeting our little boy and that is a very amazing thing for us. Even though I prayed and believed that this would happen for us someday, the fact that someday is most likely less than 8 weeks away hasn't really sank in to my mind seems unreal. We are truly thankful to have such a huge support system in all of you that take the time to read our blog and say a little prayer for us. Can't wait until little E is here and we can all celebrate together!
Three weeks ago we visited the MFM doc in Fayetteville for our second appointment. We had a big long ultrasound, as per usual, and to our shock the super large hematoma, you know the one that had me on bed rest for 7 weeks, well it was completely GONE! I know right...gone as if all 9.5 cm of it had never been there all ugly and scary in the first place. This, of course, was like the best news we could have hoped for. It made all the time sitting on my hind end away from my students, coworkers, and the rest of the world seem worth it. I mean that was the point of what felt like the never ending bed rest, to rid myself of this horrible bleed/clot whatever you want to call it, and it worked! Now, the hematoma is/was only one of the issues that we are "monitoring"(I like how doctors use that term: "We are just going to continue to monitor it closely") but it feels like a victory non the less.
At this same appointment we got an approximate weight measurement for E. He was in the 45th percentile at 29 weeks weighing in right under 3lbs at 2lbs 14 oz. The doctor was very pleased with this information because one of our concerns is IUGR (inter-uterine growth restriction) which basically means he isn't getting what he needs whether it be nutrients, blood flow, space, etc that he needs to grow inside. In some cases they actually take the baby early because they would stand a better chance at growth outside the womb. This, thankfully, as of now is not a problem for us. We go next week for another scan and the MFM doc said if all looks good and he his still growing appropriately then he will release me to my regular OB for the duration and in his words "it should be smooth sailing." Should be...we hope.
I have been to see Dr. Bell a couple of time since this last MFM appointment and they have been your basic run of the mill OB appointments. We are really just keeping an eye out for symptoms of preeclampsia, since I am at increased risk for developing that because of the hematoma. So far no blood pressure issues or protein in my urine, which are two big signs of pre-e, so this is good. I see Dr. Bell next week again as well.
For now we are just taking it a day at a time and "monitoring" the situation the best that we can. We are so close to D-day I think all of us are starting to breathe a little easier, however, I will not be relaxed about any of this until I am holding him.
Every week that passes we are closer and closer to meeting our little boy and that is a very amazing thing for us. Even though I prayed and believed that this would happen for us someday, the fact that someday is most likely less than 8 weeks away hasn't really sank in to my mind seems unreal. We are truly thankful to have such a huge support system in all of you that take the time to read our blog and say a little prayer for us. Can't wait until little E is here and we can all celebrate together!
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